Healing Children, LLC offers in-school, in-person, live professional development training for teachers, faculty, counselors, school administrators, and entire school districts across the country. These trainings are highly-engaging and provide professional learning for educators on various effective behavior management topics, techniques, and best practices that can be applied immediately to create a Healing Environment for teachers and students.

We offer virtual online learning platform for schools and teachers as well to allow for greater flexibility of schedule.

What Topics do Teachers and Faculty Learn about in our Trainings?

All our in-service trainings are specifically created to focus on the needs of the team, school, or district that attends the training. We evaluate the training curriculum and content on a case-by-case basis to ensure that the instruction we provide serves the client’s needs.

To see a list of trainings/topics we have conducted in the past click here

We modify the curriculum or change the focus based on the specific need of the school, team, or district that has hired us for in-service training. If you are interested in learning more, contact us via email at or via phone at 1-888-311-1883.

Our Process for Developing Custom In-Service Trainings

The first step in developing custom training is to have a conversation with the team or representatives responsible for determining professional development needs. During this conversation, we seek to understand the unique challenges facing the school, the students of interest, and the teachers and staff responsible for those children. This conversation provides context and background history to determine issues, problems and needs. Once we have this information, we formulate a proposal for the school based on needs. 

Post Training Options-Coaching

After we have completed the in-person training, it may be beneficial to supplement or package the training with coaching. Coaching offers the team the chance to clarify implementation of techniques and make any needed changes. Coupling the training with 1-3 coaching sessions for the entire team or very specific team members allows Healing Discipline’s processes to become ingrained in the school culture, creating long-lasting impact.

What do Our Teacher Professional Development Training Services Cost?

Unfortunately, we do not offer a standard price for in-services. Each school and district has unique needs and challenges. Several factors influence the cost, including travel time, number of participants, length of training, etc. The best way to find out about our fees is to contact us for a free consultation. During this consultation we will learn about your needs and provide an effective solution for you.

or contact us
email at or call 1-888-311-1883